Below are some indicators that can help you assess whether the received email is fraudulent.
- Official communication is always sent from
Note! Be aware of spoofed phishing emails sent from fake email addresses using legitimate domains. In such cases, when the sender appears legitimate, but the email still seems suspicious, always inspect the content of the email for anomalies such as an urgent tone, unfamiliar URLs or attachments. Please refrain from clicking on any unknown links or opening attachments that seem suspicious.
- We never use @gmail, @yahoo or other free email services to send emails.
- We never link to a website other than our own starting with for example
From a desktop computer:
- Drag & Drop the suspicious email into a new message and send it to as attachment. To effectively shut down the fraudulent service, we need complete mail headers which are not included in a forwarded message.
From a mobile device:
- Forward the message to us. If feasible, please always send the suspected email from a desktop as attachment including complete mail headers.
- Report the message as spam within your mail app, so that your mail provider can take appropriate actions.